Oral Presentation International Conference on Tomography of Materials & Structures

Multiscale analysis of geo-reservoirs-- correlating pore scale information to reservoir scale inputs (180)

Mark knackstedt 1 , Anna Herring 1 , Lachlan Deakin 1 , Rob Sok 1 , Mohammad Saadatfar 1 , Paal E Oeren 2 , Leo Ruspini 2
  1. Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, Australia
  2. Petricore, Trondheim, Norway

We describe the development of a multiscale 3D imaging and modelling workflow which offers improved predictions of CO2 storage in geological media.  The workflow is based on multiscale 3D imaging calibrated with laboratory and experimental probe analysis at multiple scales. The work illustrates the importance  of incorporating small (micron) scale geological heterogeneity when modelling multiphase flow at >meter scales.

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