Many processes of industrial or geological importance occur at conditions of high temperature and pressure. Recent developments in fast tomography at synchrotron sources have brought 3D imaging with micron spatial resolution and sub-second time resolution to a wide range of in-situ experiments. We have developed a new Paris-Edinburgh press, specifically optimised for fast tomography, in order to apply these techniques to new applications [1]. The UToPEC (Ultra-fast Tomography Paris-Edinburgh Press) can reach pressures of of >15 GPa and temperatures of >1500C, and is compatible with performing tomography on millimetre sized samples. Rotary couplings allow continuous rotation of the press for fast tomography time series. At the PSICHE beam line, a spatial resolution of a few microns can be obtained for a full 2k x 2k reconstruction in 0.5 seconds [2]. In-situ tomography can be combined with diffraction to provide measurements of pressure, temperature, phase transitions or composition. Here we present the press, and give examples from the first experimental applications. Notable results include morphological characterisation of the α-γ-ε phase transitions in iron around the triple point (~10GPa and ~470C), in-situ characterisation of hot isostatic pressing for the elimination of defects in additively manufactured aluminium, and the percolation of liquid phases in silicate-carbonate geological systems.